Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lets be RAW

So many of us get overwhelmed when we think of the words “Raw Diet “. But today I am here to help you understand some of the importance of these words and how to simple incorporate “Raw Foods” into your everyday life.

First lets start by understanding what RAW means. A lot of people get nervous when they hear this, but this word is simpler then you think. Raw simply means “unprocessed and uncooked”. Some examples of raw foods are all raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, sprouts, roots, root vegetables and squashes, fresh herbs, raw spices, and seaweeds.

 Why is this important in a diet? As soon as you cook your food (anything over 115 degrees) and add things to it, it takes away its nutritional value and eliminates certain minerals and vitamins that you need.  Some other benefits to a raw diet are Increased energy, clearer skin, weight loss, reduced risk of disease. This is because raw food contains fewer trans fats and saturated fat. Raw foods are also low in sodium and sugar and high in potassium, magnesium, folate, fiber, vitamin A, and health-promoting antioxidants. These properties are associated with a reduced risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

So next time you make a meal try adding one raw food item and watch as you become more energized and feeling you absolute best.

 This movie is a fun super easy recipe to help you prepare a RAW meal…super super yummy!

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